May 162009

Can you solve these riddles?

1. What lives without a body, hears without ears, speaks without mouth, and lives in air?

2. The more of these you take, the more of this you leave behind. What is it?

3. What breaks but never falls, what falls but never breaks?

4. It is never more than a month old, but has been around for millions of years. Can you guess what this is?

5. What becomes larger when you take away more?

Enjoy !

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  4 Responses to “Riddles”

  1. JSR,

    Nice ones..couple of them were new to me…

  2. 1. What lives without a body, hears without ears, speaks without mouth, and lives in air?

    2. The more of these you take, the more of this you leave behind. What is it?

    3. What breaks but never falls, what falls but never breaks?
    Day and night.
    4. It is never more than a month old, but has been around for millions of years. Can you guess what this is?

    5. What becomes larger when you take away more?

    • Saividya,

      That was really good. You got 4 out of 5 correct. The one you did not get was ” It is never more than a month old, but has been around for millions of years. Can you guess what this is? ” The answer is MOON. You had almost got it ๐Ÿ™‚


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